Ready…Tech…Go! Why Tech Workers Remain In Demand in 2024

The wave of layoffs emanating from the tech sector continues to disrupt the job market, touching different industries and professions which seemed immune from being impacted by mass layoffs. While it is too early to forcast what this means for job seekers, one thing seems to be holding true for the time being. Tech workers […]

No Intermission Here: Why Retirees Should Explore Freelancing as A Second Act

From the time we enter the job market, the idea of the traditional career path leading up to retirement has been an accepted “norm” in society. Working up the career ladder, experiencing job growth and becoming professionally established were considered milestones on the path to retirement, and the goal of not working another day. But […]

Shifting Gears to the New Work Normal

If we’ve learned anything about navigating a global pandemic the last two years (and still ongoing) it’s that being agile and ready to adapt in today’s unpredictable labor market is vital. Stay-at-home mandates in the first year of COVID-19 paved the way for flexibility in working from home and the ease of an easy commute […]

A Roadmap to Driving Growth in the Gig Economy

In today’s economy, devising a plan for sustainable corporate growth may not always be a linear path. Think of it as planning a cross-country road trip with a starting point and destination. There may be sharp turns in the road, periods of uneven pavement, and navigating uncertain terrain with limited vision—and you inevitably get lost […]

Creating the Playbook for Talent Acquisition

Competing for top talent in an ever-changing job market should be considered a sport. Think about it. Job candidates are skilled free agents looking for the right team offering the best opportunity to match their background and experience, while employers are looking to add new talent to their organization’s roster of players. So, what is […]

Shattering The Glass Walls Of The Traditional Career Path

Balancing work/home life. Looking after young children. Managing a demanding career with long hours. Handling the care of aging parents. Taking care of fur babies. These can all be concerns weighing heavily on the shoulders of a working woman. If you are a working mother, the load just increases. The notion of achieving work-life balance […]

The Changing Employment Landscape Through the Talent Lens: Introducing TALENT SHIFT™

The landscape of the traditional work model has changed.   With many organizations now offering their versions of talent “outsourcing” or “insourcing,” job candidates have a wide variety of options to choose from when plotting out their career journey, whether just starting out after college, looking for a new job change, or looking to explore freelance […]